Unleash Your Customers’ Creativity with Conversational Configurators

Salsita uses Conversational UI to create compelling new direct-to-consumer experiences, boosting engagement and your sales.

The Future of E-Commerce Is Conversational

3D Models Alone Are Not Enough

Even top-notch configurators can discourage users with too many customization options.

A Need to Democratize Product Customization

Conversational configurators can turn complex design tasks into straightforward conversations.

Customers Expect Instant Gratification

They want real-time guidance without having to search your website or fill out a form.

Salsita Offers 3D Product Configurators Supercharged With Conversational UI

Stunning 3D visualization

Showcase your products in 3D and aligned with your brand, so users fall in love with them.

AI Design Assistant

Have a knowledgeable AI design assistant to guide users through product customization.

Support For Intricate Products

Users can compose complex products or create products with extensive configuration options.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Take Theirs.

Try Out Salsita’s 3D Chili Pepper Configurator

Configure your chili pepper and see key configurator features in action: 3D visualization, morphing, augmented reality preview.

Want To See More Features In Action?

They Achieved Success With Salsita 3D Product Configurator


High-End Custom Kitchen Design

Introduced a Conversational Configurator, making the design process more intuitive and user-friendly with real-time assistance and guidance.


Modular Cabinet Manufacturing

Enabled creation of realistic environments and precise cabinet placement with extensive personalization options.

Boost Your Knowledge With Salsita's Free White Papers

How Generative AI Will Transform E-Commerce

In an era where innovation defines market leaders, grasping the transformative power of Generative AI in e-commerce is not just an advantage—it's essential.

Our white paper offers a comprehensive look at how AI technologies are reshaping the online shopping experience.

Talk To Our Spicy Experts

Our Spicy Experts are ready to start working on your recipe for success